Working out the details of Imperial Task Force hault-Criolarsos, a division of 297th Imperial Fleet, required me to also work out 297th Imperial Fleet in detail.
Each Imperial Subsector has an Imperial Fleet assigned to it. All Subsector Imperial Fleets fall under Imperial Navy Sector Command based at the Sector capital, Thiroor/Gazolan. Each Subsector contributes to the maintenance and upkeep of the Imperial Fleet units stationed within its volume.
The Imperial Duchy of Gamelea covers most of Gamelea Subsector and consists of 17 systems, plus the Protectorate of Por'via (consisting of Por'via, Finduil and Ouron), administered from Julnar/Gamelea; and the Barony of Anar (currently consisting of the Anar System, but with claims to Auru and Nearo). Por'via, Finduil, Ouron and Anar all lie within Lymethius Subsector but are considered administratively to be part of the Duchy of Gamelea. The Kalar-Wi system is the capital and homeworld of the Kalar-Wi Minor Race, and is not part of the Imperium.
The Duchy of Gamelea has a population of 142.687 billion sophonts. Out of a Navy Budget of approximately TCr28.85, Gamelea Subsector contributes TCr10.119 to support and sustain 297th Imperial Fleet.
Lymethius (L) and Gamelea (R) Subsectors |
There are five Naval Bases in Gamelea Subsector: - Gamelea (0508), Feor (0407), Varch (0108), Canblyne (0705), and Ventura (0607). There is also a Naval Base at Anar (Lymethius 0805) and a patrol station at Findual (Lymethius 0802).
The senior Navy Command Officers are as follows:
Fleet Admiral Dame Silvera Gaarthorn hault-Opernarcy, Baron Ythelorn
Vice-Admiral Sir Ankorl hault-Criolarsos
Rear-Admiral Dame Anastasia Eppo, Count Cappatachi
Rear-Admiral Sir Jerhon hault-Anseen
Rear-Admiral Sir Adryos Juharl
Vice-Admiral Sir Lexon Zarquestuiir
Rear-Admiral Sir Clyn hault-Asheranon of Exxilon
Vice-Admiral Sir Constantine Fairweather von Lukaskow of Kartivia/Gazul
Commodore Dame Gessemina Mahoult
Commodore Dame Erika Santo Killmany-Ustmar
Commodore Sherri Li Kem
Squadron Deployment
Gamelea | | Varch | | Feor | | Canblyne | | Ventura |
BatRon 215 | | BatRon 220 | | BatRon 219 | | | | BatRon 224 |
BatRon 216 | | | | BatRon 221 |
CruRon 634 | | CruRon 665 | | CruRon 663 | | CruRon 640 | | CruRon 666 |
CruRon 667 | | CruRon 638 | | CruRon 639 | | CruRon 655 |
CruRon 650 |
DesRon 821 | | DesRon 822 | | DesRon 823 | | DesRon 824 | | DesRon 825 |
DesRon 847 | | DesRon 853 | | DesRon 848 | | DesRon 854 | | DesRon 849 |
DesRon 860 | | DesRon 856 | | DesRon 857 | | | | DesRon 851 |
DesRon 862 | | DesRon 861 | | DesRon 855 | | | | DesRon 890 |
DesRon 892 | | | | | | | | DesRon 893 |
Anar | | Finduil |
CruRon 664 |
DesRon 850 | | DesRon 858 |
DesRon 852 | | DesRon 859 |
DesRon 891 |
297th Fleet has 518 ships assigned to it, crewed by 118,374 personnel, with a total tonnage of 14, 282,000 tons. 2240 Marines are deployed as Ship's Troops, drawn from 351st Marine Division, as well as 7852 Navy Security personnel.
BatRons usually consist of:
4 x 200,000 dton Kalsorlicalii Class Battleships
6 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruisers
4 x 10,000 dton Reshanan Class Heavy Destroyers
8 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Escorts
CruRons 650, 655 consist of:
6 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruisers
1 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruiser Leader
6 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Escorts
CruRons 664, 665, 666 consist of:
7 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruisers
1 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruiser Leader
8 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Escorts
Heavy CruRons 663 consists of:
6 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruisers
1 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruiser Leader
8 x 10,000 dton Reshanan Class Heavy Destroyer
Heavy CruRons 667 consists of:
7 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruisers
1 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruiser Leader
8 x 10,000 dton Reshanan Class Heavy Destroyer
CruRon 634
6 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruisers
1 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruiser Leader
Carrier Group 232
1 x 35,000 dton Niiarsanor Class Escort Carrier
7 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Escorts
1 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Leader
DesRon 855
8 x 5,000 dton Gilsurmii Class Destroyers
CruRon 638
6 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruisers
1 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruiser Leader
Carrier Group 238
1 x 35,000 dton Niiarsanor Class Escort Carrier
7 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Escorts
1 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Leader
DesRon 865
8 x 5,000 dton Gilsurmii Class Destroyers
CruRon 639
6 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruisers
1 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruiser Leader
Carrier Group 239
1 x 35,000 dton Niiarsanor Class Escort Carrier
7 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Escorts
1 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Leader
DesRon 866
8 x 5,000 dton Gilsurmii Class Destroyers
CruRon 640
6 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruisers
1 x 60,000 dton Kiirvular Class Strike Cruiser Leader
Carrier Group 241
1 x 35,000 dton Niiarsanor Class Escort Carrier
6 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Escorts
1 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Leader
DesRon 867
6 x 5,000 dton Gilsurmii Class Destroyers
DesRons 821, 822, 823, 824, 825
8 x 7,000 dton Matador Class Destroyer Escorts
DesRons 847, 848, 849, 850, 853, 854, 855, 859, 893
8 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Escorts
DesRons 851, 852, 856, 857, 858
4 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Escorts
1 x 5,000 dton Alicapanii Class Destroyer Leader
DesRons 860, 861, 862, 890, 891, 892
8 x 5,000 dton Gilsurmii Class Destroyers
SupRons 1183
8 x 2,000 dton Oudiir Class Medical Transport Frigates
5 x 50,000 dton Da'sanai Class Marine Troop Carriers
Notes: I've always had a bit of difficulty with the OTU's Naval vessel numbers.The "1000" ship Sector Fleet of various
Traveller editions just does not seem to stack up against the, admittedly rudimentary, economic data.
If the Gross Planetary Product is figured from
Population x
Trade Code Modifiers x
Base GPP, and the Base Military expenditure is factored as 3% of GPP, and the Imperial Military tax is factored as 30% of the Base Military expenditure, and the population of Gamelea Subsector is 142 billion, then we have a Military budget of TCr71, before allowing for planetary Government modifiers, and the conversion rate between local credits and Imperial Credits. In the case of Gamelea Subsector, the Imperial Navy budget component is TCr10, while the Subsector Navy budget is TCr28. Even deducting TCr0.1 from the Imperial Navy budget (1% of the budget) and committing this to maintain Imperial Navy Bases within Gamelea Subsector, pay for support personnel, etc, there is still easily sufficient funds to support 518 Imperial ships of various tonnages
within Gamelea Subsector.
Local conditions vary from subsector to subsector - both Nolgor and Miazan Subsectors, for example, have large proportions of the resident local population on non-Imperial worlds, and so of the four 'original' subsectors I developed (Gamelea, Nolgor, Miazan and Gazul), Gamelea Subsector is possibly the best resourced. It may be that as I work out the budgets of the other Subsectors I will have to reassign units from 297th Fleet to support other Fleet deployments, but at the moment Imperial Sector Fleet - RimWorlds is looking like a fairly powerful force.
Having already determined the number of marines available for deployment from 351st Marine Division, I suddenly realized that I had to be careful when assigning security details to the ships I was designing for the fleet. An initial design pass resulted in over 9000 Marines assigned as Ships' Troops - approximately a division's worth. After a second pass, I reduced the number of Marines to 2240, about a regiment, by increasing the number of Security personnel. This tallied better with my notes on 351st Marine Division and the proportion of personnel assigned as Ship Troops. I have been considering doubling the Marine deployment to two divisions per subsector - this would allow more Marines as Ship's Troops, as well as allowing larger groundside deployments - but I am trying to work within the concept that Imperial Marines do not do protracted ground deployments (that is the job of the Unified Imperial Army), and are deployed purely as shock troops.
Each of the Kalsorlicalii Class Battleships carries 20 Fighters, and there are 4 Escort Carriers assigned to 297th Fleet, each carrying 80 Fighters. These fighter wings both protect the larger ships from smaller warships, as well as extend the Fleet's sensor sphere well out beyond the range of the main fleet. I imagine that Fighters would have little impact in an actual fleet battle, instead being used for scouting other bodies in a system, driving off hostile scouts, and interdicting trade.
Edit: Discovered that I had neglected to deduct the 1% of budget for maintaining the Naval Bases. And once I had sorted out the spread sheet, I found a number of other errors. When this was all tidied up, and a few ships shaved off the budget to bring expenditure under budget, I found myself feeling a little less smug about how powerful the 297th Fleet was.