29th MEU:
1 battalion from 1203rd Marine Regiment
1 Coy from 556th Marine Tank Battalion
1 Coy from 223rd LAR Battalion
1 Coy from 1/1553rd Marine Engineer Regiment
Battery A 895th Marine Meson Artillery Regiment
1 Coy from 1/10221st Marine Logistics Regiment
9803 Squadron COACC Close Support
9791 Squadron COACC Battalion Landing Craft
30th MEU:
1 battalion from 1205th Marine Regiment
1 Coy from 556th Marine Tank Battalion
1 Coy from 223rd LAR Battalion
1 Coy from 1/1553rd Marine Engineer Regiment
Battery C 895th Marine Meson Artillery Regiment
1 Coy from 1/10221st Marine Logistics Regiment
9805 Squadron COACC Close Support
9793 Squadron COACC Battalion Landing Craft
31st MEU:
1 battalion from 1206th Marine Regiment
1 Coy from 556th Marine Tank Battalion
1 Coy from 295th LAR Battalion
1 Coy from 2/1553rd Marine Engineer Regiment
Battery B 895th Marine Meson Artillery Regiment
1 Coy from 2/10221st Marine Logistics Regiment
9802 Squadron COACC Close Support
9792 Squadron COACC Battalion Landing Craft
32nd MEU:
1 battalion from 1209th Marine Regiment
1 Coy from 556th Marine Tank Battalion
1 Coy from 295th LAR Battalion
1 Coy from 2/1553rd Marine Engineer Regiment
Battery D 895th Marine Meson Artillery Regiment
1 Coy from 2/10221st Marine Logistics Regiment
9806 Squadron COACC Close Support
9794 Squadron COACC Battalion Landing Craft
The ground-side deployment force of a Marine Expeditionary Unit consists of 1333 personnel, 11 Air/rafts, 18 Light Tanks, 18 Heavy Tanks, and 164 APCs. The Expeditionary Unit usually deploys aboard a Da’sanai Class Carrier, with an associated Imperial Navy Task Group of five to seven destoyers.
While the majority of the Expeditionary Unit are billeted aboard the Carrier during deployment, six platoons and their APCs, plus up to 24 tanks, are billeted aboard three dedicated Heavy Landers. These landers, (Jasaugee Class 1500 ton Landers) plus the 16 pinnaces (KA843 and KA844 type 50 ton pinnaces) and the 30 Heavy Fighters (15 Lorjander and 15 Fhrenrhis Class 50 ton Fighters) also deployed aboard the Carrier, are all crewed by Marine Crews and form the COACC squadrons assigned to the MEU. Between the landers and the pinnaces, a MEU can land to surface around two companies of infantry, two tank platoons, two Light Armour Reconnaissance platoons and a Meson battery per wave.
Design Note:
I have increased the strength of the attached Marine Tank Battalion to four companies, as this made for an easier division of resources between the four MEUs in Miazan Subsector. The High Guard designs for the Landers, Pinnaces and Fighters have been completed. I am having a small issue with the new version of HGS which has held up completion of the MEU carrier. When computing the space required for the Battalion's vehicles, I discovered that both the APC and Grav tank I am using occupy a similar volume to an air/raft - 4dTons for an APC and 5dTons for a Grav Tank. I have doubled the volumes for all vehicles to provide sufficient space for them to be serviced during shipping, and to allow manoeuvre space for loading and offloading.