Two centuries after the Fall of the Thongaloros Empire, discussed in my previous blog entry, the following event is recorded:
-143 Aslan colonise Yuwe/Lymethius.
103 Thongaloros Empire falls to the Outrim Barbarians.
323 Ftaioiaftew/Gazul settled by Aslan of Huiha Weakhayuwikhye.
Huiha Weakhayuwikhye settled at the Rimward end of the Rimworlds, four hundred years after Huiha Esoyatre and Huiha Khysokhou colonised systems in what are now Lymethius and Cabria Subsectors. While there seems to be a sense of relationship between Huiha Esoyatre and Huiha Khysokhou, with Huiha Weakhayuwikhye there is a sense of separation – the only common element is that all three Huiha are Aslan.
While current records aren’t clear – ie I haven’t done any development on the subsector Rimward of Gazul – I would assume that Huiha Weakhayuwikhye in fact ended up occupying several worlds over the Rimward border for, as we shall see, Huiha Weakhayuwikhye eventually played a fairly crucial role in the Rimward Coalition and this, in turn, implies that the Huiha had sufficient resources to successfully resist Imperial expansion.
And then finally the 3rd Imperium steps on stage in the RimWorlds.
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