I think this mess came about because parts of the structure – the planetary governments – were designed before the in-house test game became the “Official” background.
The basic main world creation rules from LBB Traveller Book 3 assign a governmental system to each planet based on a roll of two six-sided dice on a table of results. The number rolled on the two dice can be modified by the population of the planet. This has a neat effect in that as the population rises, the governmental structure moves across the political spectrum from Anarchy to Totalitarianism, indicating that as societal interactions become more complex, governmental complexity also increases to cope with all the issues that a growing population needs resolving. This has the side-effects of constraining the amount of individual involvement in the political process, as well as curbing individual freedoms through the increase in associated Law Level.
For a fast-and-dirty Politics 101 structure, this game mechanic works well and immediately gives the Games Master a basic feel for what a particular planetary society is like.

In all cases, Empires coped with the lag in communication by creating administrative sub-units. These sub-units were administrated by local commanders, acting with the delegated authority of the central government. In many cases, these administrative posts became hereditary and either created administrative dynasties, or passed into the hands of existing dynastic power groups. In the Official Traveller Universe, the 3rd Imperium is divided into seven Domains – Deneb, Vland, Antares, Sylea, Gateway, Ilelish, and Sol – each under an Archduke. Each Domain consists of four Sectors – each under a Sector Duke – and each Sector consists of 16 Subsectors – under a Subsector Duke.
Nobility can be hereditary or awarded for service – honour nobles. We are familiar with honour nobles as these are the people who appear in the Queen’s Honours list, published twice a year, who become a knight for “services to the community” or “services to banking and international finance”. Apart from getting a place on the Board, and appearing as a patron of a charity, honour nobility is just that, an honour, and of little political significance. Hereditary Nobility, on the hand, recognises an accretion of wealth and/or power that is passed down through a family line. It is also a matter of personal and familial honour and service to the ideal and person of the Imperium and the Emperor.

Thinking about the situation, I wondered if I was looking at it the wrong way. Rolling up a government in the usual, approved, way, gives one a feeling of “ownership” for the government – that the government is the legitimate authority on the planet. This feeling of ownership then becomes conflicted when one imposes a planetary noble over the heads of the government. Except ... what if we are assuming that the planetary government precedes the imposition of the noble house.
What if the granting of the world as a fief to a Noble House was the catalyst for the settlement of that world and, in the most part, the settlers of that world were either granted a form of government, or negotiated a government, with the Noble House holding the Writ or Deed of Settlement? During the establishment of the early British settlements in North America, King James, or the Crown of Britain, would issue a Writ to a consortium of noble Merchant Adventurers to establish a colony. It would then become their responsibility to secure sufficient funds and settlers to make the colony viable. When attempting to attract settlers, whether free or unfree, there had to be something in the deal for them as well. For small holders, it was a chance to improve their lot; for indentured servants, there was the chance to secure their freedom; and for the stakeholders and stockholders in the settlement company, there was the chance to make a fortune. This is part of the model I have used for my own RimWorlds campaign, as readers of my historical posts will be aware (the other part of the model is the bucellarii of Belisarius and/or the comitatus relationship structure practised by the Classical and Early Medieval Germans – both of which form the basis of what later became known as the feudal system).

And while the goal of the Noble is to rule wisely and well, ultimately, he or she is looking to the future of the dynasty. Houses can fall, by losing the trust of their people, or the trust of those that placed them where they are, but Houses can rise as well. Good service is rewarded by those who see the good.
I agree- it is a duality that be difficult to get one's head around at times, and how the interactions would effectively take place.
ReplyDeleteI may be missing something here. If a Jump is always one week then how can these places be a year's worth of travel away? I know that you have to be a respectable distance away from gravity wells to jump but does that increase the travel time by that much? Perhaps their non-jump travel is far slower than I thought.
ReplyDeleteHi Red Hobbit - sorry, my text is a little unclear. A Jump always takes one week and can range between 1 and 6 parsecs, depending on the rating of the Jump Drive - a Jump 1 drive can only move a ship 1 parsec per jump while a Jump 6 ship can move a ship up to 6 parsecs per week.
DeleteJump fuel (hydrogen) takes up 10% of the ships volume times Jump Number, so our Jump 6 ship is 60% fuel, with all the rest of the components, and the crew, crammed into the remaining 40% of the ship. Standard Imperial Warships are usually Jump 4, while Fast Couriers are Jump 5 or Jump 6.
In that star map above (third picture from the top) each of those squares is a Sector - an area of space 32 parsecs wide and 40 parsecs tall. The Capital of the Imperium is in the sector 9 squares from the left and 4 squares down. The Spinward March is at 5 squares from the left and three down (about 5 sectors from the Capital). This puts the Spinward March approximately 160 parsecs from Capital (it's actually further as ships have to follow stellar topology and go where the fuel is). In a Jump 4 ship, this would take 40 Jumps or about 70 - 80 weeks one way (allowing one week in Jump Space and one week entering a system and refueling and leaving again).
Figures are very rough but I hope that gives you an idea of the scale.
Ah I see. I was operating under the simplistic assumption that a Jump would take you anywhere in the known galaxy but would always take a weeks time. Thanks for the detailed response of course. I never gave traveling rules more than a cursory glance in other systems but in a game like Traveller they seem absolutely integral to the setting.
DeleteVery interesting.
Yes, travel times are very much the flavour for Traveller and, yes, it's possible to get up to mischief on one world, get the heck out of Dodge, and literally stay just ahead of the information wavefront telling all and sundry that you're a villain. Again, this adds to the Age of Sail feel of the game.
DeleteInterstellar banking is something that comes up from time to time on Traveller discussion boards - the upshot is that methods from Renaissance, such as carrying specie aboard your ship for trading, or the letter of credit, or letter of introduction (possibly in a higher tech form) are likely to make a reappearance as verification times would prove impracticable for traders and business people.